Selena Gomez Shares Relationships And Business Advice From Taylor Swift

Selena Gomez stopped with the Talk on Friday and shared an update about among her BFFs, Taylor Swift.

After host Sharon Osbourne noted which they were both excellent role models for young women, Gomez agreed that Swift's influence has become a wonderful thing for her.

"She was actually at my house a few days ago and we were sitting with the fire and I was talking about relationships and business inside my life and she just sort of looked at me and was like, 'Selena, if you are the smartest person in the room, I think you are going to be in the wrong room, '" Gomez described. "She thinks I must constantly surround myself with people who find themselves going to make me personally better, that are about to challenge and motive me personally.... It kind of stuck in my experience. I want to surround myself with those. "

And for fans wondering if Selena will join her friend and move to NYC (as Taylor openly wants), she said it is possible eventually, but noted she is got a brand-new house standing the way at the time. Watch below.

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