Jennifer Aniston's Fiance Justin Theroux Opens Up About Their Relationship

They are a notoriously personal couple, but Justin Theroux has given a rare look into his relationship with actress Jennifer Aniston.

The actor said on the papparazzi attention he has endured since getting associated with the 44-year-old Jennifer in 2011: “It does not feel like a hardship. ”

Jennifer's relationship status has been the main topics global fascination since the lady divorced Bradd Pitt in 2005.

But while he admitted the scrutiny can be troublesome, he told American journal Details: "It’s not the finish of the world. You will need to center on what its core thing is, which is that anyone met someone you fell deeply in love with. "

"I just discover myself wondering, What's the large f*****g deal? ”

This couples' absence from the red carpet of late had fuelled rumours of an split.

But A-lister Jennifer looked radiant and happy when she proved in June to support Justin with the premiere of his completely new HBO series, The "Leftovers".

And when asked precisely how it felt having Jennifer by his side to back up him, Louis Theroux's cousin informed Us Weekly: "It senses great! ".

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