Britney Spears Sued By A Dancer For Allegedly Breaking Her Nose!

Britney Spears is being sued by the backup dancer for battery and negligence right after apparently being injured over the filming of the singer's "Work Bitch" single music video.

According to E! News, Dawn Noel claims that whenever Spears arrived for the particular video shoot in Woodland Hills, Calif., on August. 19, 2013, the 32-year-old pop singer was "in the disheveled and confused state." She adds which, "although this choreography involving Spears was fairly basic, she was getting difficulty learning the movements, performing dance steps in addition to following simple directions. "

Noel says that after after about a half hour of practising, Spears "twirled in the unbalanced and reckless method, arms extended out to be able to her sides and vigorously backhanded" her directly within the face.

The lawsuit alleges the particular breaking of Noel's noise made "a cracking sound" that had been heard by other dancers. Noel says she saw a physician later that day in addition to was promised by Spears' reps as well as the Reign Deer Entertainment company that her medical bills will be paid.

However, Noel claims which she was later told that this bills would not become paid, which is exactly why she ultimately filed the particular suit.

Noel is requiring a jury trial. She is suing for serious physical and psychological damages including disfigurement to her nose and also severe emotional distress in addition to anxiety.

Source:/ This above story is based on materials provided by and image credit_


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