Elin Nordegren And Lindsey Vonn Become Friends, They ‘Talk All The Time'!

Tiger Woods publicly humiliated himself and ex-wife Elin Nordegren whenever he revealed he cheated on her -- a lot-- last 2009. But Nordegren has since managed to move on and apparently gotten over the infidelity drama, as Us Weekly reports she's now friends together with Woods’ current lover Lindsey Vonn.

A source told this magazine that Nordegren began getting to know Vonn whenever she realized Woods’ skier girlfriend could be spending time with the pair’s 2 children, but they quickly formed an actual friendship.

"After meeting the woman, [Nordegren] found she truly liked [Vonn], " the original source dished. "You'd think it could be weird, but Elin loves Lindsey and also they talk all the time. Elin likes that Lindsey is really a strong woman. "

The source said that this whole group recently went on the family vacation together and Vonn in addition to Nordegren even went off for getting drinks together, leaving Woods with this kids.

"Elin found that they're very similar and also have a lot in common, ” said the source. “They laugh in addition to talk like they've been girlfriends forever. "

The above story is based on materials provided by www.foxnews.com furthermore in order to image credit-- msn.foxsports.com.


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